The major focus of BVCA is to provide a high quality school age childcare program at Bear Valley Elementary. During the school year we offer a before and after school child care program, SACC, and in the summer we provide a full day childcare program, Camp Bear Valley.
Our programs are licensed by the State of Alaska and the Municipality of Anchorage. They operate with a philosophy of child guided choice.
Children in our SACC program have a choice of participating in art, science or cooking projects, indoor and outdoor physical recreation, quiet library or study time, individual or group play time (i.e. Legos, games, dress-up/pretend play) and are provided with healthy snacks. On extended hour days, in addition to all of the above, we take children on field trips (i.e. to the Imaginarium, museum, bowling) bring in guests (i.e. magician, Bird Treatment and Learning Center, Alaska Zoo) and create special activities for the children to create and participate in. During the summer we add swimming lessons, gymnastics, group field trips to places like the library, downtown music in the parks and extended field trips to local parks, Whittier, Crow Creek Mine, Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and the Reindeer Farm.
BVCA provides opportunities that will enrich the academic curriculum and aid students in their individual potential for growth. We offer a variety of after school classes to all of the students at Bear Valley in French, Spanish, babysitting safety, basketball, volleyball, cross-country skiing, gym games, soccer, and flag football. We contribute to the art enrichment activities at Bear Valley and to the student tutoring program.
In addition to the above, BVCA remains dedicated to our original roots as a community school with the philosophy of life long learning and strong community ties. We develop and provide educational programs and activities for people of all ages as a venue to strengthen community relationships.